class of 1968


class of 1967
class of 1968
class of 1969
class of 1980

Please click on the names to view that page of the yearbook.

Abair - Althauser

Bear - Bombola

Byram - Chadek

Dean - Diels

Falco - Fondry

Green - Hamorsky

Hockersmith - Horvath

Keech - Knudson

Lozano - Manning

Meurman - Morgan

Parker - Perkins

Reece - Ross

Sharp - Smith

Suttle - Thornton

Wheeler - Young

Andre - Bainbridge

Bond - Brennan

Chapman - Cormier

DiGiovanna - Durliat

Forester - Gendreau

Hanes - Hegner

Howell - Iman

Kobayashi - Larabell

Margerison - McDonald

Mutschler - Ogg

Peterson - Prince

Rowell - Scattergood

Smith - Spencer

Tippens - Vegors

Young - Zinn & late shots

Baird - Beaman

Briggs - Byars

Cornell - Davis

DuRoy - Fachko

Genovese - Green

Hein - Hisey

Jenkins - Kachigian

Lasorsa - Lothringer

McDowell - Mertsoc

Oller - Pagaduan

Prince - Razo

Schoenberg - Shannon

Stalcup - Surkin

Verrengia - Wells

A special thanks to Michael Fenton for the photos.